This career is not for everyone.
- What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?
- The three lessons that were most helpful was: Criminal Profiling, U.S. Military Intelligence, and Negligence Law. Criminal Profiling by Justine Solorio was helpful because it somewhat ties into what I'm looking to do as my Senior project and it also gave me ideas on how to present the topic so that my audience will be able to understand it. U.S. Military Intelligence by Daniel Bustamante was another helpful presentation because of the way he explained his research as well as vocabulary words was neat and organized. Throughout his presentation he had appealing pictures that related to the slide and his activity tied in well with the whole project. The last presentation that I found helpful was Negligence Law by Nathan Guevara, he had such an interesting topic due to the way he presented it. His presentation was one of the best ones due to the way he communicated with his audience and the activities that he had throughout his presentation.
- List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?
- When preparing for research checks that are every Friday, don't leave it to the last minute to do research. By that I mean, start early in the weekday to be able to finish before the deadline without stressing a lot.
- What topic(s) are you considering, and why?
- I'm considering to do Law Enforcement because I have a big interest in that field and from my previous experience I can tell that everyday it's something new that a police officer has to work with. Another topic that I'm considering to do is CSI, Crime Scene Investigation. In the past I've practiced different scenarios that involve CSI. I find it interesting that a case can be solved through the evidence left behind, it's like solving a long and difficult puzzle.
- What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).
- How does a police officer determine how to deal with a threat?
- What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?
- Well, I've been in the Explorer's Program since freshman year and I've had the chance to ask several police officers if they would be willing to mentor me throughout my senior project. So I'll be doing many ride alongs in my summer to obtain a greater knowledge and actually go in depth. If I were to choose CSI as my topic then in the department there is a special team who specialize in that field. Therefore, I would need to get in contact with them and ask if not all of them then one to mentor me.