Thursday, March 3, 2016

Blog 19 - Third Answer

Ethics are build as one keeps growing up and experiencing life situations.

Just like you did for answer 1 and 2 post your:

1. Essential Question

  • How can a Police Officer make safe and ethical calls in high pressure situations?
2. Answer #3
  • The third answer to my essential question is Character. By character I mean the Police Officers integrity, motivation, dedication, etc. An officer's ethics are not created as they grow up. In fact, they are built when they are born. Several factors affect an individuals ethics just like the environment they are in, their parents behavior, and the way they are raised. in order to make safe calls a Police Officer must be able to refer back to their ethics in order to make a good or the best decision in high pressure situations. Not only in high pressure situations but also when being on patrol. 
3. Three details to support your answer
  • If it is 102 fahrenheit outside and a vehicle passed by then suddenly it is stopped by a Police Officer. The Officer must make the call if to take away the vehicle due to the small infraction and leave the driver, who is a mother and has her three children with her; to walk home. An option can be to take away the vehicle and take them home or not take it away at all and give the driver a warning. 
  • If there is an active shooter at a school and the first responder is only one Police Officer. Will that Officer right away go in and possibly die or wait for their backing units. An Officers morals affects the way they make decisions and think about how to control and solve the situation. 
  • If an Officer is shot and is in critical pain; should his partner help him or continue with the situation that they were sent for which is to eliminate the threat. Officers are trained in scenarios that have to do with an Officer being down. There will always be more than 5 Officers in high priority calls. So, an Officer is never left behind and will always have the help that he or she needs. 
4. The research source(s) to support your details and answer
  • Book "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell.  
  • Horban, Jack E., Bruce J. Goorlie. "The Ethical Warrior and Warrior Creed" 
5. Concluding Sentence
  • Ones moral values affects how to act, think, and solve a situation. When being under stress the mind tends to make decisions faster but one must choose if to go with the first decision made or continue thinking about the situation. Officer do not have a lot of time to make decisions that will always lead to the safer way out. Sometimes in this career lives are lost because split-second decisions are not made properly or the situation is not handled the way it should of been. The minute one is born the environment that surrounds us is a key element that affects the way we will be when we grow up. 

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