Friday, April 15, 2016

Blog 21 - Fourth Interview Reflection

Learning will be better understood when the mind is clear and open to it.

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?
  • The most important thing that I learned from the interview is to never believe that every single call for service will be the same because not everyone will be able to predict what will happen next. Out in the field a Police Officer should always reflect back to their training when encountering a high pressure situation. One should always remain calm and keep in mind the goal of the situation. Police Officers are hired to serve and protect the community as well as their property. They are also needed in times of keeping the peace between to parties involved in an incident. No single police officer can say that they are excellent at what they do because eventually they will make a mistake and sometimes newer police officers perform better than those who have been in the field longer. Every police officer has their preference in the different calls for service that they much rather do because they can say they are good at it. Officer Pagtakhan at the end mentioned that new police officers should keep an open mind because even though they receive training on certain things they will not know everything or see everything first hand. Experiences comes with the amount of times a police officer has assisted on calls for service because that is the only way they will get better at assisting and performing.
2. How will what I learned affect my final lesson?
  • What I learned will affect my final lesson by improving it because the interview did tie in nicely with my senior project question. Officer Pagtakhan provided his own personal opinion which made me look a things differently than before. Now for my final lesson I can talk about something's he said that in my opinion hold a great value. I can also add to my presentation some examples that I came up with because the interview gave me a different perspective on things such as training, experience, learning, and stress.

Interview 4 audio.
Please start at 8:48. 

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